07 Jan 2019
Failing to Fail: The Spiderweb Software Way
In this GDC 2018 talk, Spiderweb Software’s Jeff Vogel presents a retrospective on his company’s history and how they’ve managed to stay in the game-making business since 1994.
06 Jan 2019
A lot of tutorials on setting up Jekyll for GitHub Pages recommend pushing to a orphaned gh-pages
branch. That’s OK if you want to create a page for a specific project under <username>.github.io/<project>
but not if you want to setup a personal <username>.github.io
06 Jan 2019
I was too lazy to constantly create new files and copy paste the same structure, so I wanted to duplicate existing files. Unfortunately, this is not functionality VS Code has, so I had to install Duplicate Action. Anyway, I duplicated a post, and noticed that the order isn’t correct. Fair enough, edit the time by some amount and voila! The blog post disappeared!
06 Jan 2019
I guess it’s only natural to start this blog with issues setting the blog itself up.
06 Jan 2019
New year, new resolutions. Resolutions that, just like every year, will fall off a few months in! But why should that stop me?